Welcome Home!
We've been waiting for you.
We know that finding a church home can be a bit overwhelming. We look forward to getting to know you, understanding your faith journey, and folding you into our family.
Join us for worship and experience the love of Jesus in a friendly, warm atmosphere.
YOUNG ADULTS Lycoming Christian Church is seeking an individual to fill a full-time position as Minister of Children, Youth, and Young Adults. The individual needs a Christian College degree who can work in cooperation with the leadership team to encourage spiritual growth in our church family and especially with the children, youth, and young adults. The individual would create activities and develop programs for teens to promote fun, fellowship, and spiritual development as well as planning, developing, coordinating, and implementing programs for younger children. To receive an application and information packet, please send your request to [email protected] or a request letter to: Lycoming Christian Church Attn: Bonnie Williams 20 Chapel Hill Road Linden, PA 17744 LYCOMING CHRISTIAN CHURCH
Prayer CornerIn Mark 11:17 Jesus said, "My house shall be called a house of prayer." As such, we strive to create an atmosphere of ongoing prayer at Lycoming Christian Church. We meet for prayer the first and third Saturday of every month at 7:00 a.m. Everyone is welcome to join us for prayer. If you would like us to pray for any need you have, email us at [email protected]
Wednesday Night Rechargehttp://ebclife.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/EBCRotatorRecharge.png
Recharge will resume on
Wednesday, September 11, 2024. |
Our History... 190 years in the making

Like a wise, older friend who has walked the path before you, LCC understands your challenges, and is able to offer compassionate, encouraging companionship for this journey through life.
Read more about LCC HERE.
Read more about LCC HERE.